6 Natural Ways to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Ahmed Farhan
3 min readMay 5, 2023


Are you struggling to lose weight after giving birth? Do you want to get back to the fitter version you liked? Yes? We got your back. Weight gain is not uncommon during pregnancy. According to a study in 2016, almost a quarter of the women who gave birth in France took 10 to 12 kg during pregnancy. But; you don’t have to worry. Below are six natural ways to lose weight after pregnancy.

1. Diet

Having a low-calorie diet helps in reducing weight. You should not reduce your diet straightaway after delivering a baby as it’ll affect nutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary for breastfeeding. Add carbs (bread, beans, potatoes, corn, etc.) and healthy proteins (eggs, soy, almonds, meat, fish, etc.) to your daily diet. They will make you feel full for a long time, and you will be less hungry.

Don’t skip your meals because it affects your health negatively as you may face nutritional deficiencies. Monitoring your daily calorie intake and controlling portions of your diet also aids in reducing weight.

2. Exercise

Exercise has proven to be very effective in weight loss. Start with 10 minutes of daily light walking and then increase the time progressively. After some time, move towards the exercises that build and strengthen your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. Exercise not only boosts your immunity but elevates your mood.

3. Breast Feeding

Research shows that breastfeeding helps reduce postpartum weight. Largely, fat cells stored in the body and the calories you take produce milk after metabolism. That results in weight loss.

Additionally, breastfeeding helps reduce many diseases in you and your child. Follow a diet that aids both of you to stay healthy during lactation.

4. Reduce Sugar Intake

Limit the amount of added sugar in your daily routine. Sodas, fruit juices, cakes, biscuits, pastries, and cookies all contain excess sugar. These foods are high in calories, but they carry fewer nutrients. They will increase your weight.

5. Hydrate

Hydrate yourself adequately. When you stay hydrated, it increases a sense of fullness and also boosts your metabolism. It eventually results in weight loss. Moreover, replacing fluid loss that occurs through milk production, sweating, and other natural processes, is vital.

6. Sleep

Not enough sleep results in weight gain; no one can deny it. When you don’t sleep enough, you’ll feel tired, which will result in increasing your appetite. Go to sleep early and practice a healthy night routine. The recommended time to have dinner is at least 2–3 hours before sleep. Limit your screen time. Darker rooms may help more in sound sleep.

In a Nutshell

With determination and hard work, you can achieve good shape. But one size doesn’t fit all. Other factors such as; your daily routine, postpartum anxiety and depression, and work-life directly influence you. Your goal should be to lose not more than 1kg per week. Be realistic when expecting the results.

